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Throughout our history, we have learned of many people who have done strange and heroic acts. In war, law enforcement, the medical field, etc. The old west and early American frontier had a lot of folks who struggled to survive in many different ways. But one man stands out. A man who many today do not know of. His name is not popular among the regular citizens. But to historians of the period, the name Hugh Glass stands tall.
Hugh Glass was an adventurer. He was a mountain man, trader, fur trapper and survivor. While with a party of men in the wilderness, Hugh Glass was attacked by a large grizzly bear and mauled nearly to death. In most cases such as this one, he would have died. But Hugh was not to die in that remote place. He was to survive and go on to live an adventurous life for many more years. But what makes Hugh Glass famous today is how he survived. It's a really good story.
This blog is dedicated to Hugh Glass. A man who refused to give up with insurmountable odds against him. What would any one of us do in his situation? Hopefully, we'll never get the chance to find out.